FIRST ISSUE IMPERF (singles & multiples)
XF gem 150.00 R1a F horiz.pair, fresh, large margins 125.00 R1a XF gem, horiz. pair 325.00 R1a VF
horizontal strip of five, light crease, very fresh 225.00 R1a XF gem block of four with neat ms cancels 900.00 R3a large margins to clear at top, true imperf shade on thin paper, faint crease
500.00 R4a XF with enormous margins around, truly trivial corner creas at extreme bottom right corner (as per 2007 PFC) which could be trimmed 1250.00 R5a VF 2.00 R5a VF-XF 3.00 R5a XF hstp. cancel 8.00 R5a
VF horiz. pair 20.00 R5a VF dbl transfer T-5 (bottom label) 85.00 R7a VF 12.50 R7a VF hstp. cancel 35.00 R7a XF 20.00 R7a XF vert. pair 60.00 R7a XF appearing block of 4, sm. tear in margin between stamps at
right 200.00 R9a XF 20.00 R9a VF-XF S-O-N hstp cancel 35.00 R9a XF hstp cancel 35.00 R9a VF-XF with bright
red S(amuel) D. H(astings) hstp cancel 45.00 R9a F Harnden Express Co hstp cxl 50.00 R13a VF-XF appearing
with large to huge margins around, thin spot 850.00 R19a VF 95.00 R19a XF large margins, ms cxl 125.00 R19a VF vertical pair, intense color, ex-Tolman 450.00 R24a VF-XF hstp. cxl. 10.00 R24a F-VF horiz pair 27.50 R24a VF vert.strip of 3, light creases 45.00 R25a XF 10.00 R25a F vertical pair 15.00 R25a VF-XF with 1863
bank hstp 20.00 R25a overall VF block of 49, contains several XF blocks of four or larger, light creasing on two horiz rows, remarkable condition for so large a multiple 1500.00 R27a VF-XF 20.00 R27a VF hstp cxl 15.00 R32a VF 50.00 R32a VF-XF 60.00 R32a XF large to huge margins 65.00 R32a VF horiz.pair,fresh 225.00 R32a
VF-XF vert pair, crease in margin between stamps 250.00 R32a VF vertical pair, interesting variety that was over-inked
and exhibits pronounced ink streaking on most of both stamps 250.00 R32a VF-XF unused block of 4, light diagonal crease
shows in fluid, small scissor cut between stamps at right 750.00 R33a XF gem with 2017 graded 85 PFC 550.00 R33a
XF gem with 2014 PFC, this would likely grade 90 to 95 600.00 R33a XF vertical pair, top stamp has a tiny thin
spot, the bottom stamp would make a superb single! 775.00 R37a VF appearing, pressed light diagonal crease shows only in fluid. Color photocopy of pair this was removed from (better than a cert!) 600.00 R37a VF horizontal
pair with full to large margins, right stamp would make XF single! 1900.00 R37a VF horizontal pair, appears unused,
ex-Tolman 2400.00 R40a XF and fresh 60.00 R40a XF horizontal strip of 4, one stamp with trivial faint
crease, 2018 PFC, ex-Morrissey 650.00 R41a XF large margins around 75.00 R41a VF black 1863 hstp cxl 85.00 R41a
XF GEM, huge margins 95.00 R41a VF horiz. pair, tiny bit of ink erosion 165.00 R41a F-VF horiz. pair, large margins
to just into design at LL 175.00 R41a VF-XF block of 6, light diagonal crease visible only in fluid. This is the
only recorded block of 6. 1250.00 R42a VF 15.00 R42a VF-XF hstp cancel 20.00 R42a XF 25.00 R42a VF horiz.
pair 65.00 R42a XF vert.pair, blue ms cancel 65.00 R43a VF horiz.pair, 1863 ms cxl, fresh 600.00 R44a VF
faint crease at bottom 8.00 R44a VF RR hstp cxl. 12.50 R44a VF green hstp cxl (scarce color) 150.00 R44a
VF appearing block of 4, horiz. crease and light thin, with neat small blue oval hstp. cancels, only 5 recorded blocks of
four 475.00 R45a VF 17.50 R45a XF with 1862 ms cancel 40.00 R45a XF huge margins with 1863 ms insurance co cancel 50.00 R45a F-VF horiz. pair 50.00 R45a VF vert. pair 60.00 R45a XF horiz strip of 3 150.00 R46a VF faint crease 8.00 R46a VF-XF 20.00 R46a VF horiz pair, light crease 40.00 R48a F-VF 10.00 R48a horiz. pair, VF, neat MS cancels, sm. tear on right stamp 25.00 R48a VF-XF with 1863 blue oval hstp 27.50 R48a
F-VF horiz. pair 50.00 R48a F-VF vert. pair 50.00 R49a XF with huge margins around 75.00 R49a VF horiz.pair 175.00 R49a top sheet margin block of 4, sm. fault in LL stamp, lt. crease at bottom 400.00 R50a VF-XF horiz. pair 250.00 R50a VF block of four, pressed crease on top pair, 2024 PFC 1100.00 R51a XF 250.00 R51a VF horiz. strip
of 3, very scarce multiple 700.00 R52a VF-XF 80.00 R54a VF 18.00 R54a F-VF horiz strip of four with
nearly complete imprint at left, faint vertical document crease on one stamp 350.00 R54a VF block of 4, light
creases 350.00 R54a F-VF block of 6 (2 x 3) 2001 PFC 550.00 R56a VF-XF 100.00 R57a VF 35.00 R57a F-VF
unused horiz.pair 150.00 R58a VF 50.00 R58a VF nice ins. co. hstp 65.00 R58a F-VF bold pre-print paper fold,
CT Mutual Ins Co hstp 65.00 R59a F-VF 20.00 R59a XF block of four, light horiz. crease at top, huge
margins around 450.00 R60a VF-XF 5.00 R60a VF horiz.strip of 4, left stamp with small thins, very scarce
multiple 175.00 R61a F-VF 80.00 R61a VF-XF 150.00 R62a VF vert.pair 150.00 R62a XF appearing block of
6, large to huge margins around, unobtrusive crease ends in tears in right margin, despite its flaws it is fresh and attractive
and rare 700.00 R63a VF thin speck 200.00 R63a VF-XF big margins 450.00 R64a VF neat 1863 manuscript cxl.
90.00 R65a VF and fresh with 1863 ms cancel 700.00 R66a VF 25.00 R66a VF-XF with s-o-n hstp cancel 45.00 R66a F-VF horiz.pair, faint crease 60.00 R66a VF horiz.strip of 3, crease in margin between stamps at right 100.00 R67a VF-XF big margins 70.00 R68a VF 125.00 R69a F-VF 12.00 R69a VF 17.50 R69a VF-XF with red S.F. customs
hstp 37.50 R69a VF block of 4, light crease in margin between stamps, outstanding quality 850.00 R70a VF 55.00 R70a F-VF horiz pair 100.00 R71a F-VF 150.00 R71a VF horiz pair, scarce multiple 800.00 R72a VF fresh 40.00 R72a VF appearing horiz pair, small internal tear between stamps, 12/1/62 ms cancel, very early use 85.00 R73a VF 25.00 R73a VF with red S.F. customs hstp 42.50 R73a VF-XF horiz. pair. 100.00 R73a block of 6, VF
appearing, lt. vert. crease affects 2 stamps 500.00 R74a VF-XF head-free MS cancel, small thin in right margin,
2022 PFC 250.00 R74a VF 325.00 R75a F-VF 75.00 R75a VF-XF 100.00 R77a F-VF with just clear at left to
large margins around, correct shade, apaer and date of usage, faint crease, lovely handstamp (cat $11,000) 3900.00 R78a VF-XF fresh 35.00 R78a XF large to huge margins 50.00 R78a VF appearing horiz pair, crease at right end in tear 65.00 R79a VF with black hstp, tiny tiny tear at mid-right margin(hard to find), PFC 750.00 R79a
VF-XF appearing with neat handstamp cancels, pressed crease does not show on face 1150.00 R81a F with 1863 ms cxl 225.00 R81a VF appearing top sheet margin block of 4, faint creases, partial separation between stamps at right, trivial
patched erosion spot on LR stamp, ex-Weill Bros 1000.00 R81a VF-XF horizontal strip of five, trivial bit of ink erosion from ms cancel on one stamp, impressive multiple! 1500.00 R82a VF 135.00 R82a VF bottom sheet margin 175.00 R82a XF 200.00 R83a XF huge margins for this stamp, with very hard to see pressed crease at bottom, PSE cert 4500.00 R83a adequate to large margins around, ex-Kingsley where it realized $5500, 1977 PFC 4500.00 R83a VF-XF with huge margins for this difficult stamp! 7000.00 R85a F-VF 125.00 R85a VF-XF 200.00 R86a
VF fresh 175.00 R86a XF gem with 2019 graded 95 PFC, as good as it gets 395.00 R87a VF-XF with large margins
around, 2008 PSE cert 9250.00 R88a VF 1863 ms cancel 275.00 R88a XF 450.00 R88a VF hoiz strip of four
(one block and two other strips of four are recorded), partial scissor cut on the right stamp, left pair ifd XF,
ex-Cunliffe 1200.00 R89a XF with Nov 1862 ms cxl, very early use 85.00 R89a VF horiz. pair, small margin tear at
left, deep fresh color 150.00 R90a VF clear to huge margins 250.00 R91a XF gem, huge margins around 275.00 R92a XF horiz pair, light horizontal crease, fresh with radiant color and head-free ms cancel, ex-Zoellner
and Curtis (cat $1800) 1395.00 R93a F 250.00 R94a VF-XF 225.00 R94a XF with enormous margins showing next stamps at both top and right 300.00 R94a reconstructed horiz pair each with 2 spectacular pre-printing
paper folds, which are quite scarce on higher denominations 450.00 R95a VF-XF with mostly huge margins,
PSE cert 1000.00 R96a VF appearing with small faults, blue San Fran CA hstp, PFC 1000.00 R97a VF with
ample to large margins around, very fresh, 2003 PFC 3750.00 R98a VF-XF light horiz crease 100.00 R98a VF
150.00 R98a VF well struck hstp. cxl. 200.00 R98a F-VF horizontal pair, just into design at bottom on left
stamp 200.00 R98a VF block of 4, slightly into design at LL only, very fresh with neat 1863 ms cancel, scarce
block 750.00 R100a VF 1993 PFC 2250.00 R100a XF with large to huge margins around, 1984 and 2003
PFC's, ex-Handy 3000.00 R101a VF-XF with neat 1864 ms cxl 300.00 R101a XF deep fresh color 400.00 R101a XF
1992 PFC 450.00 R102a VF margins just touching at right to huge at bottom (showing part of next
stamp at LR), neat 1865 ms cancel 2250.00
FIRST ISSUE PART-PERF (singles & multiples)
R1b F-VF 40.00 R1b F+ verticle pair, creased between stamps 85.00 R1b XF fresh 100.00 R1b F Perkins Express Co S-O-N hstp cancel, rare cancel 125.00 R1b XF appearing block of 4, light crease, UR stamp has sealed tear, 2020 PSE cert, scarce
multiple 395.00 R1b XF block of eight with deep color, faint crease in the middle margin and on one other stamp,
a gem multiple, ex-Weill Bros 1400.00 R2b F+ with 1862 Lawrence & Cohen printed cancel 2000.00 R2b
F-VF vertical pair, typical centering for this stamp, 2022 PFC 3500.00 R3b VF imperf vertically, huge imperf margins 275.00 R5b F-VF hstp cancel 15.00 R9b VF with 1864 hstp 35.00 R11b on carte-de-visite, ex-Curtis 250.00 R13b with
portion of next stamp (paying 3 cent rate?) affixed to CDV, stamp with tear but scarce usage 150.00 R13b
F-VF sm thin, huge imperf margins 175.00 R13b VF 225.00 R13b VF * vert pair, top stamp with natural gum crease,
rare unused 800.00 R18b F and fresh vertical pair, choice for this very difficult issue, with well-centered copies
almost always fakes from R18c 2750.00 R19b F-VF huge imperf margins 35.00 R19b VF hstp cxl 40.00 R19b
F-VF vert pair 65.00 R19b VF+ pair 115.00 R22b F-VF * 350.00 R22b VF unused (OG) vertical pair, with 1985
PFC when it was a strip of 3 (bottom stamp removed) 1275.00 R24b VF-XF vertical pair 150.00 R24b block rejoined
from two pairs (priced as 2 pairs) 275.00 R25b VF-XF with part of next stamp at LL 25.00 R27b VF 10.00 R27b F-VF with perfectly struck 1863 black hstp. 30.00 R27b VF vert pair 55.00 R27b F-VF cracked plate variety,
scarce 125.00 R34b F small bit of ink erosion at lower left 250.00 R36b VF on piece 6.00 R36b F-VF vert strip
of 5 50.00 R36b inverted pl 10 125.00 R36b unused part OG vert. strip of 5 135.00 R37b F-VF bottom sheet margin
vert. strip of five 275.00 R42b F-VF huge imperf margins 20.00 R42b XF 37.50 R42b F-VF vert.pair, fresh 50.00 R42b F-VF vert.strip of 4, crease in margin between 2 pairs 125.00 R43b F-VF 10.00 R43b "block of
4" re-joined from 2 horiz. pairs, bottom pair VF, top pair into design ex-Joyce 125.00 R43b F-VF block
of 4 250.00 R44b F-VF 6.00 R44b VF RR hstp 10.00 R44b F-VF vertical pair 37.50 R45b VF-XF appearing with
light diagonal crease, 1863 ms cxl 250.00 R46b VF blue Union Mutual Ins Co (Tolman U-9a) 30.00 R52b
F crease 25.00 R52b VF with huge imperf margins 60.00 R52b VF December 1862 ms cxl 95.00 R52b VF-XF neat ms
cancel 100.00 R53b VF top sheet margin stamp 20.00 R53b XF 25.00 R54b VF-XF 7.50 R54b VF 10.00 R54b
F-VF hstp 10.00 R54b VF light crease, red Deposit/Duty/Excess San Francisco customs hstp 15.00 R54b captured
imprint at right 25.00 R56b VF deep color 150.00 R57b VF+ top sheet margin vertical pair, e-Tolman 675.00 R58b VF appearing with light vert crease 135.00 R62b VF 1863 hstp 225.00 R62b VF-XF 250.00 R62b XF appearing
veritcal pair, light horizontal crease on the top of the bottom stamp in the pair, ex-Kingsley and Bleckwenn,
2024 PFC 900.00 R63b plate # single and imprint 75.00 R64b VF-XF 135.00