TG1 F-VF sealed tears 25.00 TG2 VF small piece of selvage out at right
end 70.00 TG3 VF-XF unused 125.00 TG13 VF 30.00 TG16A VF small thins 115.00 TG16B F-VF fresh 85.00 TG20b VF unused 12.50 TG45A VF small faults 12.50 TG46A VF sealed tear 12.50 TG46B F-VF 40.00 TG47A
F-VF small faults 12.50 TG47B VF 50.00 TG48A F-VF small piece out at LL 35.00 TG49A F-VF small faults 85.00 TG49A VF usual crease 125.00 TG68B VF light thin 65.00 TG69B repaired 15.00 TG69B VF small
faults 70.00 TG79B VF 10.00 TG79D VF 10.00 TG80D VF 17.50 TG98b VF 15.00 TG102e 2.50 TG110A
VF 62mm dbl ovpt 80.00 TG131A VF with violet District surcharge 75.00 TG132C F faults at UL 8.00 TG132C F-VF 10.00 TG133C VF sealed tears 20.00 TG135C VF-XF sealed tears 35.00 TG138b VF 1.50 TG139b VF 5.00 TG170a VF 1.00 TG198c VF 1.00 TG282b VF 1.00 TG384 VF * 1.00 TG413b VF 1.50 TG446b VF 3.00 TG453b VF 1.00 TG622b
VF 3.00 TG631b VF 12.50 TG676b VF 5.00 TG749b VF 1.00 TG867C BEP surcharge on 1 5/8 oz Series 121, unlisted
by Springer 150.00 TG868C BEP surcharge on 1 ¾ oz Series 121, unisted by Springer 95.00 TG887b VF 1.00 TG888b VF 1.00 TG976B VF 1.00
AH11 1889 Mason signature 45.00 AH14 1889 D series, Mason signature VF 85.00 AH26 1901 Yerkes signature 65.00 COTTON 1G3 VF with SPECIMEN ovpt 25.00 FOOD ORDER
2G1 XF * 25.00 2G6 F-VF * some gum missing at bottom 15.00 2G7 VF * 5.00 2G8 F-VF * 7.50 2G8 F-VF * pane of 4 30.00 FUEL
FC14 VF unused 65.00 OLEOMARGARINE (these are Springer numbers) FE10 die
B, F-VF tackholes and small pieces out in margin away from design 100.00 FE73a VF * scarce and more so unused 95.00 FE81 F-VF 2.00 FE84 VF 1.00 FE85 F-VF 1.00 FE86 F-VF 1.00 FE88 VF tackhole 60.00 FE88 VF 75.00 FE93 VF perfin 60.00 FE93 VF unused 125.00
Numbers are from the Springfield List. All remainders have complete coupons and stub at top unless noted.
31B (Lesher #44B) VF remainder 100.00 57 (Lesher #82) F-VF remainder w/o top stub 100.00 58 (Lesher
#83, new Springer #77) F remainder 100.00 60 (Lesher #85, new Springer #79) F remainder, staining on top portion
away from design 95.00
The following are Lesher numbers. 143
(AD145) 100 gal 65.00 175 1 gal 15.00 176 25.00 177 (AD177) 1 gal, red Act of 1920 surch 75.00 191B 60.00 220 45.00 221 10 gal 50.00 224 40 gal 55.00 224 40.2 gal 75.00 225 50 gal 55.00 230 100 gal 40.00
MISC ALCOHOL AC37 1933 3 gal in 24 bottles, case stamp 17.50 AE8 1940 Distilled Spirits for Exportation, ten cents 10.00 ANC4 1933 Alcohol Warehousing 12.50